Francis was given this assignment with no idea what he would be getting into and was tied with a strict timetable. The assignment to paint a container called "Tuin" came from a renowned, big company. That meant a different approach than Francis was used to; he didn't have that up close and personal connection. The artist also had to work around other people and normally he works by himself on murals. ‘This is not the way I was used to working, but I went for it anyway’, he said.
The client, who did not live in Curaçao, was amazed by Francis’ work. He was very respectful and enthusiastic to work with this artist. They were looking for someone who could finish the work in a short time. The perfect man for the perfect job, so to speak. Normally Francis has a lot of contact with clients and more handholding of what to paint. This time was different. He was allowed to bring in his own imagination, at least to make something beautiful of a dull container. I think that’s a privilege to have, but Francis thought differently about it.
Normally every assignment has its challenges, but because Francis stepped out of his comfort zone this time, small issues began to catch his eye. More than usual.
'The working atmosphere wasn’t really inspiring. Other employees were also under pressure for opening preparations. As it were, let's do what they asked of us to get this done with. When people around you start behaving like that, you also feel the urge to go along with that energy. I also thought at one point that I want to finish that painting as soon as possible. I was standing in the bright sun, there was lots of dust and it felt like I was working on a plantation. And suddenly the realization kicked in... I did this to myself. I underestimated the work and thought I would have more contact with the client along the way. A container also has more depth than a mural. Man, I realized I hadn't prepared properly’.
When I heard this story I thought ‘why whining when you're getting paid well?’. See what I was thinking here? This mindset of working for money and not for your own life purpose quickly kicked in. Francis stepped into this job without being properly prepared and stepped over his own ways of working. He also could have told them that he didn't want to work like that or just say no to this project. He didn't. Fortunately, Francis has a strong self-reflective ability to admit that he did not have the right attitude at some point on this journey.
We all have done this and then blame others for our decisions. Saying yes to big projects and then getting an aftertaste. Because of experiences like this, we quickly then cry out loud ‘MI NO TA TRAHA PA HENDE MAS’.
News flash people, this is a misinterpretation and that sentence is not correctly finished! You need others and they need you. Under what conditions, requirements and principles is totally up to you.
I totally agree with Francis here. You have to imagine hiring someone with such a mindset in your company. Do you think your business would move forward? Do you think it would make you happy if your colleagues were unhappy or unwilling to work? Also, you have to imagine that no one wants to work for and with each other and everyone starts something up. Their own businesses. Who will support you in your process? Do you think everyone can be a leader? Do you think everyone can take on big responsibilities? It becomes a vicious way of thinking.
'I chose to work for someone for a short period of time. Under what conditions and atmosphere does not matter here. I don't want to blame any employer, because I could also say no. It is up to me to choose what I stand for and go for it. This was a huge learning moment for me and a reality check that we are stuck in modern, mental slavery. I want a way out. I want to do things differently!'.
We are social beings and we need each other. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong if you want to be an entrepreneur or to have a 9 to 5 work ethic. The statement ‘I don't work for other people or I don’t want to work for other people’ is just unreasonable and it doesn’t match reality.
Francis and I had interesting ideas on how we can rethink the idea of 'mi no ta traha pa hende' and get a new perception, which I want to share with you. (design website idea: bo por pone bullets pa e splikashonnan di 1 -6 pa esnan ku kier lesa bo pensamentunan mas in details)
‘It all starts with the application. Ask yourself why you are applying to a company for a certain position or why you want to become an entrepreneur. People often apply because they need money and if that's your main reason for getting a job… you won't last long in that field. You need to want them and they need to want you. It shouldn't be one-sided. Ask yourself why’, according to Francis.
I think that a leader is someone who has a vision and the path to realize it. The one who inspires and empowers others to maintain long-term progress and excitement towards achieving their goals. These are a few qualities. If you don’t want to work for someone and be a leader, you need to get ready to be called for every little thing. You need to work with different personalities and be responsible for your own brand and how others will interact with it.
As Francis said: ‘Not everybody can be a leader and there is nothing wrong with that. You would rather be a good follower than a trashy leader’.
‘By knowing what your passion is, you can determine what kind of work you want to do without feeling like you are working. Think about the least favorite parts of the work you are passionate about. Do you still do it without hesitation? If your answer is yes, then you know you’re not working’.
You are doing what you need to do for what sets your heart on fire. It doesn’t matter if it is as an entrepreneur or have a 9 to 5 job. If working at a call center is what you are good at and it’s your passion, it is hardly impossible to feel like you’re working for someone. You are working for yourself and doing what you love most. This is another perspective and mindset.
Do you know what your value is? I am not talking about your value in monthly payment or your position at work, but the investment in yourself for yourself.
‘Invest in your knowledge, train your brain, read a book, improve your skills, stay curious to learn new ways, be dedicated and want to get better every day. Not because you have to do it for work, but for your own satisfaction. Then you won't feel like you are working for someone else's profit and not your own’.
‘The reality is that those who work better will be rewarded. Those who are better or have better skills, will get their dream job. The energy you put out there is the same energy that you will receive. You can always upgrade and grow in what you are good at. How you act and how you think says more about you than any employer. You need to start somewhere to get where you want. Keep working on yourself’.
Most of the work starts with yourself. You can’t change anyone but yourself.
‘I do this job because it pays well, you hear most people say. We all need the money but I don’t think that’s the best attitude to start a job. Because it pays well! Are we going to sell ourselves and our principles for the money or because we want to work for a higher purpose? This is the question’.
I think if your attitude is ‘I’m doing this for myself and if that means helping others as well’, you are working for your higher self. For no one but yourself.
You will always have to work for somebody. Whether it is on behalf of someone or being employed by a company. How you step into the process makes it different; the experience, the result and the goal you have.
‘Money is important, but not when it goes behind what I stand for. This experience was the last straw for my change. Now more than ever I want to paint pieces that match my higher aspiration and make it more accessible for those who are in need of my artwork. That’s why I got inspired and made two pieces out of the original painting. This is the start of a new phase'.
Francis wants to become more sustainable with his paintings. He is going to work on sustainability. That is why he is going to sell more duplicates of his originals for those who love them. For people who really want his timeless paintings. This means a beginning of scarcity of his paintings for many of us. Still, he won't say no to a mural. If it serves the purpose, he will definitely go for it.
What we all can learn from this is, that it is okay to own your power, know what you want and what you don’t, to know your worth and live your purpose. It’s never the other if you choose for yourself.